Spring 2025 Phoenix College Fairs Participating Institutions

March 2, 2025 | 12:00pm - 2:00pm MST | Highland High School

Additional institutions will be added regularly as registrations are received.

Last updated: 2/24/2025

Adams State University | Alamosa, CO

Arizona State University | Tempe, AZ

Babson College | Wellesley, MA

California Lutheran University | Thousand Oaks, CA

Colorado College | Colorado Springs, CO

Colorado Mesa University | Grand Junction, CO

Colorado School of Mines | Golden, CO

Colorado State University | Fort Collins, CO

Colorado State University Pueblo | Pueblo, CO

Columbia College | Chicago, IL

Common App | Arlington, VA

Connecticut College | New London, CT

Creighton University | Omaha, NE

Drake University | Des Moines, IA

Elon University | Elon, NC

Embry- Riddle Aeronautical University | Prescott, AZ

Fort Lewis College | Durango, CO

Franklin & Marshal College | Lancaster, PA

Gonzaga University | Spokane, WA

Grand Canyon University | Phoenix, AZ

Hampden Sydney College | Hampden Sydney, VA

Hastings College | Hastings, NE

Hofstra University | Hempstead, NY

Howard University | Washington D.C. 

IE University | Spain

Jessup University | Rocklin, CA

Kansas State University | Manhattan, KS

Laramie County Community College | Cheyenne, WY

Lewis & Clark College | Portland, OR

Linfield University | McMinnville, OR

Loyola Marymount University | Los Angeles, CA

Loyola University Chicago | Chicago, IL

Macalester College | St. Paul, MN

Marquette University | Milwaukee, WI

Miami University | Oxford, OH

Minerva University | San Francisco, CA

Minot State University | Minot, ND

Mississippi State University | Mississippi State, MS

Montana State University | Bozeman, MT

Mount Saint Mary's Los Angeles | Los Angeles, CA

New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology | Socorro, NM

New Mexico State University | Las Cruces, NM

Nightingale College | Salt Lake City, UT

Northern Arizona University | Flagstaff, AZ

Northern Michigan University | Marquette, MI

Nova Southeastern University | Fort Lauderdale, FL

Occidental College | Los Angeles, CA

Ohio Wesleyan University | Delaware, OH

Oregon Institute of Technology | Klamath Falls, OR

Oregon State University | Corvallis, OR

Pacific Lutheran University | Tacoma, WA

Pacific University Oregon | Forest Grove, OR

Penn State University | State College, PA

Regis University | Denver, CO

Rocky Mountain College | Billings, MT

Rollins College | Winter Park, FL

Roseman University of Health Sciences | NV & UT

Rutgers University- New Brunswick | New Brunswick, NJ

Sacred Heart University | Fairfield, CT

Saint Mary's University of Minnesota | Winona, MN

Seattle University | Seattle, WA

Seton Hall University | South Orange, NJ

Simmons University | Boston, MA

Southern Utah University | Cedar City, UT

St. Johns College | Santa Fe, NM & Annapolis, MD

St. Mary's University | San Antonio, TX

St. Olaf College | Northfield, MN

Stevens Institute of Technology | Hoboken, NJ

Syracuse University | Syracuse, NY

Temple University, Japan Campus | Japan

Texas Tech University | Lubbock, TX

The Engineering and Design Institute- London | London, UK

Trinity University | San Antonio, TX

University of Alabama | Tuscaloosa, AL

University of Arizona | Tucson, AZ

University of Arizona- College of Agriculture, Life & Environmental Sciences

University of Arizona- College of Engineering | Tucson, AZ

University of Arizona R. Ken Coit College of Pharmacy | Tucson, AZ

University of Arizona College of Science | Tucson, AZ

University of Arizona's School of Mining & Mineral Resources | Tucson, AZ

University of Arizona- W.A. Franke Honors College | Tucson, AZ

University of British Columbia | Canada

University of Calgary | Calgary, Alberta, Canada

University of Cincinnati | Cincinnati, OH

University of Colorado Boulder | Boulder, CO

University of Colorado Colorado Springs | Colorado Springs, CO

University of Connecticut | Storrs, CT

University of Delaware | Newark, DE

University of Denver | Denver, CO

University of Idaho | Moscow, ID

University of Manchester | Manchester, UK

University of Massachusetts | Amherst, MA

University of Missouri | Columbia, MO

University of Montana | Missoula, MT

University of Montana Western | Dillon, MT

University of Nebraska- Lincoln | Lincoln, NE

University of Nevada Las Vegas | Las Vegas, NV

University of Nevada, Reno | Reno, NV

University of New Hampshire | Durham, NH

University of New Mexico | Albuquerque, NM

University of New Mexico- College of Nursing | Albuquerque, NM

University of Northern Colorado | Greeley, CO

University of Oklahoma | Norman, OK

University of Oregon | Eugene, OR

University of Providence | Great Falls, MT

University of San Francisco | San Francisco, CA

University of Tennessee, Knoxville | Knoxville, TN

University of the Pacific | Stockton, CA

University of Utah | Salt Lake City, UT

University of Wisconsin- Madison | Madison, WI

University of Wyoming | Laramie, WY

Utah State University | Logan, UT

Utah Tech University | St. George, UT

Virginia Military Institute | Lexington, VA

Washington College | Chestertown, MD

Washington State University | Pullman, WA

Weber State University | Ogden, UT

Weber State University - Social Work | Ogden, UT

Western Colorado University | Gunnison, CO

Westminster University | Salt Lake City, UT

Whittier College | Whittier, CA

Whitworth University | Spokane, WA

Willamette University | Salem, OR

Xavier University | Cincinnati, OH


March 2, 2025 | 4:00pm - 5:30pm MST | ASU West Campus, Glendale, AZ

Additional institutions will be added regularly as registrations are received.

Last updated: 2/24/2025

Adams State University | Alamosa, CO

Arizona State University | Tempe, AZ

Arizona State University - Barrett, the Honors College | Tempe, AZ

ASU California Center | Los Angeles, CA

Babson College | Babson Park, MA

California Lutheran University | Thousand Oaks, CA

Colorado College | Colorado Springs, CO

Colorado Mesa University | Grand Junction, CO

Colorado School of Mines | Golden, CO

Colorado State University | Fort Collins, CO

Colorado State University Pueblo | Pueblo, CO

Common App | Arlington, VA

Creighton University | Omaha, NE

Drake University | Des Moines, IA

Elon University | Elon, NC

Embry - Riddle Aeronautical University | Prescott, AZ

Fort Lewis College | Durango, CO

Franklin & Marshall College | Lancaster, PA

Gonzaga University | Spokane, WA

Hampden Sydney College | Hampden Sydney, VA

Hastings College | Hastings, NE

Hofstra University | Hempstead, NY

IE University | Spain

Jessup University | Rocklin, CA

Kansas State University | Manhattan, KS

Lewis & Clark College | Portland, OR

Linfield University | McMinnville, OR

Loyola Marymount University | Los Angeles, CA

Loyola University Chicago | Chicago, IL

Macalester College | St. Paul, MN

Marquette University | Milwaukee, WI

Miami University | Oxford, OH

Minot State University | Minot, ND

Mississippi State University | Mississippi State, MS

Montana State University | Bozeman, MT

Mount Saint Mary's University, Los Angeles | Los Angeles, CA 

Nelson University American Indian College | Phoenix, AZ

New Mexico State University | Las Cruces, NM

Northern Arizona University | Flagstaff, AZ

Northern Michigan University | Marquette, MI

Nova Southeastern University | Fort Lauderdale, FL

Occidental College | Los Angeles, CA

Ohio Wesleyan University | Delaware, OH

Oregon Institute of Technology | Klamath Falls, OR

Oregon State University | Corvallis, OR

Pacific Lutheran University | Tacoma, WA

Pacific University | Forest Grove, OR

Penn State University | State College, PA

Regis University | Denver, CO

Rocky Mountain College | Billings, MT

Rollins College | Winter Park, FL

Roseman University of Health Sciences | NV & UT

Rutgers University - New Brunswick | New Brunswick, NJ

Sacred Heart University | Fairfield, CT

Saint Mary's University of Minnesota | Winona, MN

Seattle University | Seattle, WA

Simmons University | Boston, MA

Southern Utah University | Cedar City, UT

St. Johns College | Santa Fe, NM & Annapolis, MD

St. Olaf College | Northfield, MN

Stevens Institute of Technology | Hoboken, NJ

Syracuse University | Syracuse, NY

TEDI- London | London, UK

Temple University, Japan Campus | Japan

Texas Tech University | Lubbock, TX

Trinity University | San Antonio, TX

University of Alabama | Tuscaloosa, AL

University of Arizona | Tucson, AZ

University of Arizona- College of Agriculture, Life & Environmental Sciences | Tucson, AZ

University of Arizona College of Science | Tucson, AZ

University of Arizona R Ken Coit College of Pharmacy | Tucson, AZ

University of Arizona's School of Mining & Mineral Resources | Tucson, AZ

University of Arizona- W.A. Franke Honors College | Tucson, AZ

University of British Columbia | Canada

University of Calgary | Calgary, Alberta, Canada

University of Cincinnati | Cincinnati, OH

University of Colorado Boulder | Boulder, CO

University of Colorado Colorado Springs | Colorado Springs, CO

University of Connecticut | Storrs, CT

University of Denver | Denver, CO

University of Idaho | Moscow, ID

University of Massachusetts | Amherst, MA

University of Missouri | Columbia, MO

University of Montana | Missoula, MT

University of Montana Western | Dillon, MT

University of Nebraska- Lincoln | Lincoln, NE

University of Nevada Las Vegas | Las Vegas, NV

University of Nevada, Reno | Reno, NV

University of New Hampshire  Durham, NH

University of New Mexico | Albuquerque, NM

University of New Mexico- College of Nursing | Albuquerque, NM

University of Northern Colorado | Greeley, CO

University of Oklahoma | Norman, OK

University of Oregon | Eugene, OR

University of San Francisco | San Francisco, CA

University of Tennessee, Knoxville | Knoxville, TN

University of the Pacific | Stockton, CA

University of Utah | Salt Lake City, UT

University of Wisconsin- Madison | Madison, WI

Utah State University | Logan, UT

Washington State University | Pullman, WA

Weber State University | Ogden, UT

Western Colorado University | Gunnison, CO

Westminster University | Salt Lake City, UT

Whittier College | Whittier, CA

Whitworth University | Spokane, WA

Willamette University | Salem, OR

Xavier University | Cincinnati, OH