RMACAC Spring College Fairs 2025RMACAC College Fairs are open to NACAC membership-eligible universities and colleges. RMACAC members will receive a discounted registration rate. Membership can be added or renewed during the college fair registration process or through our Membership page. RMACAC utilizes StriveScan to bring electronic student scanning to all of our college fairs. StriveScan is provided with your fair registration and includes unlimited student scans and there is no additional charge for multiple reps or multiple devices. For more information or questions, please contact [email protected].
Register Now*This registration link is for Tucson, Phoenix East, Phoenix West, Colorado Springs, and Denver fairs
Registration Costs
*If you miss the deadline you may register on site ONLY if space is available and at an increased cost. It is at your own risk if you decide to travel to the fair knowing space may not be available and you may be turned away. **Late registrations may be excluded from printed materials, website, and/or alphabetical placement at fair. For more information, contact Brooke Gabrielli, College Fairs Chair at [email protected]. |